Those studying Post-Abortion Syndrome will find this fantasy novel delightful reading. (The narrator’s gay friend suggests that this is the purpose of the novel when he claims that the existence of the bizarre dreams of the aborted mother, the main character, is a way to resolve her PAS guilt; cf. page 116.) Moreover, while the religious elements are subsumed (for obvious reasons; the characters are typical moderns who must think religion has an inferior place in their lives), a contemporary reader would understand that “Rondua” is a vague dream space that sounds like Purgatory and that “Ophir Zik” approximates the theological idea of Limbo. The novel ends satisfactorily; the main character’s quest for reconciliation leads her back home. However, anti-life feminists would not appreciate this novel since the aborted child is not only personified, but also the aborted mother’s “savior” (he rescues his mother at novel’s end from an ax killer). This novel is yet another instance of the genre that those who write about abortion use to delve into the horrifyingly sad, fantasy-driven, and lifelong experiences surrounding abortion.