Required reading for every abortion supporter.
McElhinney and McAleer’s biography of the now imprisoned abortionist Gosnell should be read by everyone who supports abortion. The work is an impressive exposé of an arrogant, deluded, and evil (the authors’ appropriate word) abortionist.
This eminently readable (can be accomplished in one day) biography illustrates several lies promoted by pro-abortion, anti-life fanatics in the media and in government. Specifically:
Anti-lifers care about women. Wrong. If anti-lifers cared about women, then groups like the National Abortion Federation and the abortion business Planned Parenthood would have stopped Gosnell from fatally harming mothers aborting their children at his clinic.
Anti-lifers perform abortions in sanitary medical facilities. Wrong again. Anyone who reads about the horrific conditions at Gosnell’s abortion clinic cannot twist the fact that Gosnell’s facility was an unsanitary set of rooms, seemingly suitable only for the cats, defecating and urinating all over the place.
Anti-lifers perform abortions to “ensure fetal demise” (page 216; translation: guarantee the unborn child is killed) as painlessly as possible. Wrong yet again. Gosnell cared for the money the mothers paid him to have the babies killed. Stabbing newborns in the back of their necks with scissors to kill those moving, breathing infants—no longer fetuses since they were born—is barbaric and worthy of, as the authors point out, Nazi experimentation.
Several questions remain after reading this book. Here are only three.
First, how is it possible that anyone, let alone an African American who wanted to raise the status of fellow African Americans, can think that killing someone’s unborn child is the best way to raise someone out of poverty? Does that make sense? How does killing a poor person help him or her to be rich?
Second, how can some people distort Bible passages like Gosnell did in his “poetry” (so-called) wherein he contorted scriptural passages to prove that God approves of abortion? That’s like saying that Jesus’ command to “let the children come to me” can be interpreted as “Stab these newborns in the backs of their necks with scissors so that they can more quickly come to me through their deaths. Better yet, just cut them to pieces in their mothers’ wombs. Even better, all you humans, just kill yourselves.” Huh?
Third, Gosnell is only one abortionist, and, as the authors suggest, there must be others like him throughout the country. Where are they? Who is stopping them from killing other mothers who seek to abort their children? The first civil right, the right to life, must be restored to stop abortionists like Gosnell killing other mothers, killing their unborn children, and killing the opportunity that fathers should have to love both the mothers of their children and the children themselves.
Besides questions, though, reading this book should make us thankful for many good things that have emerged from this tragic episode of abortion history.
First, we have to thank McElhinney and McAleer for their perseverance in working through the gruesome details of Gosnell’s murder of one aborted mother and the killing of several newborn infants.
Second, we have to thank Detective Jim Wood and Mollie Hemingway for their perseverance in investigating Gosnell’s murders and the media blackout of his horrors—a blackout which ended with Kirsten Powers’ exposé of media bias.
A side bar: we must thank Al Gore for inventing the internet. (Ha-ha-ha! That’s like saying that the Democratic Party is a proud supporter of the pro-life movement!). Seriously, though, if it were not for the new social media on the internet, the murders that Gosnell committed would not have been reported since the American media is so beholden to abortion wrongs (not rights, but wrongs) groups like the abortion business Planned Parenthood, the Democratic Party, and assorted (and sordid) so-called feminist groups.
Third, we must be thankful that the new generation of pro-life activists cannot be frustrated by institutions (the government, the old-fashioned and now utterly useless print and television media, and political parties) that have a vested financial interest in keeping abortion legal throughout the nine months of pregnancy for any reason whatsoever.
McElhinney and McAleer’s biography of the abortionist Gosnell and their upcoming film about him ( is further evidence that pro-life activism is reaching critical mass. Pro-lifers have argued since 1973 that abortion is gruesome, wrong, and a violation of human rights. Reading McElhinney and McAleer’s book will give anti-life Americans and those ambivalent about abortion not only a significant opportunity to fight abortion horrors like those perpetrated by Gosnell, but also to reevaluate their attitudes about the first civil right, the right to life.